SOLAR PHO TOVOLTAIC ELEVATOR power supply automatic~itch of elevato~Solar and recycled electric energy special power supply elevator development in the power failare or power off autol~atlca¨Y after 0 2 seconds to the elevator power suppl~when the resumption of power supply,the power supply can automatically cut backtothe qrid power supply.
Sola r photovoltaic elevator uslnq optlcal complementa ry new technol. The sola r enerqy aeneration and the operation of the elevator electrlcaI enerqy stored i]a specific battery,certaln pa rai~eters do not need to power g rid,but automatic switching power supply battery state,make full use of solar energy and recycled energ.
The company recovers and re-uses as high as 25%of energywhich is consumed by the elevators Especially in lift no-load up motion or full-load down motion electric energy prodvced by the l~otor can be converted Into waste reslstance and waste heat Whereas the company’s energy regeneration feedback device converts electric energy to normal current that coincides with power grid Then those newly-produced cu rrent can be used in other power equipments in the building to fulfill the substantial energy-saving.
41.3% of tested power-saving rate and 28% of actual power-saving rate
VVVF door operator system
VVVF drive,the switching speed can be adjustable door,door system cleverly designed so that the whole system is safe and reliable,smooth operation.
Permanent magnetic synchronous gearless traction machine
Permanentmagnet synchronoustractiontechnologyisthe companytraction machinemanufactu rers and Joint developmentinlinewiththe concept ofthe next generation oflow ca rbon energy saving elevator core technology,The technology and traditional techniques,compa red with a low ca rbon energy,less spacspace,low con~ruction costs,operating costs and low lift cha racte ristics Ea sy to achieve a traction machine maintenance requirements.
Stable and reliable control system
The COl~pany system elevator control system uses 32 Intelllaent serial communication network eIevator controI system. Comblned with a new generation of industrial technoloqy andcommunicatlon technology,covering the distance controI,direct docking, closed-Ioop control technoloqy approprlate, CANBUS communication technoIogy, multl-CPU operatlon technology,the formation of a new generation of intelliaent vector-based integrated control systel. The system enables the CPU processina speed is greatly improved. Four-layer board surfacel mount technology, CAN bus serial communlcation,thus ensuring a Iarge number of hiqh-speed data, rellable delivey.
High effect elevator vector inverter
Application of high performance cu rrent vector control and absoIute encoders, hiah-perfomance sensorless torque compensation function which make the elevator ride more comfortable; elevator traction machine can be stopped based Iearning, more simple and convenient elevator maintenance; automatic transfer torque boost function can easily cope with a variety of load lift.
Light curtian pritection
Sensitive intensive infrared screens,in the elevator door forming screen protection safety net,for any access to its detecting location of people or objects are responsive,greatly improving the safety performance of.
Long distance monitor function
GSM mobile communications and Internet network perfect combination,real-time acquisition computer board,converter data,wireless remote transpor, achieve Internet remote monitoring.
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